Herbal Remedies For Gas Pain

Everyone at some point or another experiences the onset of abdominal pain. Generally, the causes of abdominal pain are not serious and can be easily diagnosed and treated. However, this type of pain can also be a sign of some serious illness, so it's vital to be able to recognize symptoms that are severe and know when to call your physician.

Flatulence, or flatus, is the medical term for gas or abdominal pain. This pain is caused by the air in the intestine that passes through the rectum, and air that is passed from the digestive tract through the mouth is called commonly called belching. This gas can make you feel bloated or give a feeling of fullness, which may cause cramp-like abdominal pain.


What Causes gas Pain

Herbal Remedies For Gas Pain

This unsavory ailment could be caused by any of the following factors such as:

- Eating food that are difficult to digest, like foods rich in fiber.

- Eating food that you cannot tolerate . A good example would be if you have lactose intolerance and consume a lot of dairy products.

- Swallowing air while eating and drinking.

- Malabsorption, wherein the body cannot absorb or digest a particular nutrient properly, often accompanied by diarrhea).

- Irritable bowel syndrome. This is a chronic form of stomach upset that results, or gets worse, with too much stress

Today, there are a many herbal remedies and treatments for gas pain. It is known that some herbs help ease, and relieve gas pain, and these are called carminatives. The aromatic herbs that are considered as carminatives include caraway seeds, dill seeds, fennel seeds, anise seeds, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds.

In preparing a mixture from these aromatic seed,s put a large spoonful in a cup, cover with boiling water for around 5 minutes, and add sugar to sweeten. Here are other herbal remedies for this condition.

- Ginger is a readily available organic gas pain remedy, and this also is a potent carminative. Ginger offers a warming effect to the stomach. In making a tea with powdered ginger, use up to a tablespoon of fresh ginger per cup of water for a stronger brew.

- Peppermint. This herb helps move the intestines and make one feel really awake, much like coffee. It is however not advisable to use peppermint if someone feels nauseated, as this could induce vomiting.

- Licorice. The use of this herb for the treatment of stomach disorders has prompted investigation into the anti-ulcer properties of this herb. The therapeutic effects were described by the ancient physician herbalists, for a variety of health conditions which include throat and upper respiratory irritation, mucous expectoration and gastric disorders.

- Allspice. These are the unripe berries of the pimento evergreen tree, and the name was given because it tastes like a combination of spice cloves, juniper berries, cinnamon and pepper. Allspice is noted to be potent in treating flatulent indigestion. In preparing a mixture, add 1 teaspoon of powdered allspice to a cup of boiled water and drink.

http://primeherbal.com - Prime Herbal

Herbal Remedies For Gas Pain

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Oregano Herb - The Facts

The botanical term of the oregano herb is Origanum Vulgare. In Greek, it means joy of the mountains. The oregano can grow about 2 ft tall and you can easily smell the strong and pungent aroma. It is not only used for culinary purposes but it is also great for treating certain illnesses. When the herb blooms, you will see pink and purple flowers which are also edible. The oregano herb can make a lot of dishes very flavorful.

You can use the herb fresh and dried, depending on your preferences. Very few herbs can maintain strength of flavor especially when already dried and oregano is one of these precious herbs. Some perfumes even make use of oregano. Some people also call it pizza herb. People from different parts of the world have already tried using oregano herb for different purposes. In the US, the popularity of oregano increased after the Second World War since the soldiers' favorite was pizza.


From 1948 to 1956, the sales of oregano increased significantly in the US because of pizza mania. Today, a lot o people are now using oregano thus, increasing its popularity even more. If you have garden space, it is a good idea to plant oregano or you can also grow oregano herb in containers. Instead of buying the herb from commercial stores and groceries, you will simply pick them in your very own garden.

Oregano Herb - The Facts

When the herb is frozen properly, you can stock it for about a week. The stem of the herb can be used but pick the ones that are rich green in color. The stems can be refrigerated for 3 days inside a plastic. The oregano life of the herb can also be extended for a week if you wrap the stem inside a damp paper towel and make sure that some air is able to enter the plastic. Fill the glass with water and place the stems of oregano with the leaves; you can also do this with the flowers and you are sure to preserve it.

Why not try freezing the herb? Get the sprigs of the oregano herb, wash it and dry thoroughly. Place the whole leaves inside a plastic without air. Put the bag inside the freezer and make sure that it is not crushed. You can use it readily without thawing. Drying the herb is also easy and you can do it by tying the bunch in a dark and cool place.

The oregano herb will dry easily with good ventilation. When the herb is completely dry, you can now seal it inside a bag and store away from light. The dried herb can be used for six months. If you want, you can also dry marjoram and thyme together with oregano. These herbs can work wonders in your dishes.

These are the facts that you have to know about oregano. It is really easy to grow this flavorful and aromatic herb. Determine the growth requirements and start planting the oregano herb in your yard or in a container.

Oregano Herb - The Facts

Tim is an experienced herb gardener and loves to grow herbs. To learn more about oregano herb [http://www.herbgardeningplace.com/oregano-herb] as well as other great herb gardening, planting, growing and using techniques check out his dedicated herb growing and care website [http://www.herbgardeningplace.com/]

Herb Garden Plans - Easy Steps for the Herb Gardening Beginner

There's no doubt about it. Modern methods of cultivation and livestock rearing have given us bigger and better-shaped vegetables and better-looking meat, but what's happened to the taste?

So what do you do when you want to try and get a bit more taste back into your food? Do what our ancestors have been doing for hundreds of years by making regular use of herbs for cooking. The right choice of herbs can make the blandest of dishes tempting and exciting - even more so when they are fresh from your own herb garden.


The Cook's Herb Garden Plan

Herb Garden Plans - Easy Steps for the Herb Gardening Beginner

This article is about the first step in developing your own cook's herb garden - creating a plan. Once created your herb garden will provide you with an easily accessible supply of all the herbs you want in generous quantities. Don't worry if you have never grown herbs before. It's really not difficult providing you develop a plan in the way I have described below.

I don't intend to tell you everything about herb gardening in this article, but if you follow the steps I have suggested you'll have a good design and plan that will lay a foundation for cultivating all the plants you need.

Four Steps to Create Your Herb Garden Plan

1. Choose Your Herbs

The first thing you need to do is decide which herbs you want to grow. If you don't spend some time thinking about this you'll end up growing some you don't need, and leave out some of the others that are essentials for your cooking.

There are 100's of herbs to choose from that you could include in your plan. Some thrive in sunny spots and well-drained soil and others prefer shade and damp conditions. A good rule is to choose a sunny spot. However, you need to know about the ideal conditions for each of your chosen herbs so that you can position them correctly in the garden you'll develop once you have produced your plan.

Start choosing your herbs by writing down a list of the ones that you are familiar with or that are commonly used in cooking. In your list write the names first, but leave space to also write down the type (annual or perennial), the best position (sunny, shade) and best soil conditions (well-drained, moist etc). Also leave space to include the height that each plant will grow to.

Now extend your list with other herbs. Consider choosing from the following herbs that are frequently used in cooking - sage, tarragon, marjoram, basil, lemon thyme, fennel, chives, parsley, rosemary, bay, garlic, mint and thyme.

You'll need to do some research to complete your list, but this is a very important step in developing your plan. When your list is finished it should include the names of twelve or so herbs and the additional information I described above.

2. Choose Location & Decide on a Herb Garden Design

Ideally your herb garden should be near the kitchen so that it's easy to harvest the herbs fresh when you need them. A good size for the garden is 4ft x 6ft. This should enable you to plant all the herbs on your list, including a couple of bushy perennials. Try and choose a spot which is south facing. If some of the herbs you have chosen need a shady spot plan to use the larger plants such as bay, tarragon, and rosemary to shade them.

The simplest herb garden design to choose is a rectangle, but also think about other designs such as the "island" and the raised bed. Or think about creating a long herb garden boarder (good if you have a sunny wall in your garden). Choosing your design can be lots of fun. Here again, try and do some research on different designs in your local library or on the internet.

3. Check Soil Conditions

After you have chosen a position for your herb garden you must check on the soil conditions. Although some herbs prefer other conditions, a rich, well-dug, well drained soil is ideal. You may need to dig in plenty of organic matter to enrich your soil, but make sure that it doesn't contain any weeds, especially perennial ones. If it does, you'll risk pulling up your herbs when you try to remove the weeds once they begin to grow again.

4. Draw Out Your Herb Garden Design

Now you have chosen your plants and your herb garden design, draw a diagram of your garden on paper (graph paper if you have any). Draw it out to scale. Make one foot of the garden equivalent to two inches on your paper.

Now use some different colored paper to cut out rough circles to represent your herbs when they are fully grown. These circles should have a diameter equivalent to the height each plant will eventually grow (use the same scale of one foot to two inches). You may want to grow more than one of some types of herbs (e.g. sage and basil), so allow space for these as well. You should only need one each of the larger herbs such as rosemary and bay.

Put the cut circles onto your scaled paper diagram and move them around until you have good positions for all your herbs. Some people also take into account the color of the flowers that the plants will produce, but I suggest you avoid this complication. Once you have gone through one growing season you can easily move your herbs for the following year (but don't keep moving the perennial herbs).

When you have created your herb garden design, you'll know exactly where to plant your herbs. A good tip is to use some colored sand to create full-size circles on the ground in positions exactly corresponding to those in your herb garden design. This will make sure you plant your herbs in exactly the right spots with the right amount of space around them to allow for growth. Don't forget to try and take into account the needs of the herbs that want a little more shade.


Your plan will enable you create an attractive herb garden that contains all the plants you need for your cooking. After your first year herb gardening you will probably want to change some of the annual herbs you chose in your original plan. That's quite OK, that's all part of the fun of growing herbs. You may also want to enhance the appearance of your herb garden with statues or ornaments so that you end up with a garden of herbs which looks good, smells good and improves your cooking!

Herb Garden Plans - Easy Steps for the Herb Gardening Beginner

This article by Adam Gilpin has been produced to support his extensive program of on-line activities to promote a wider interest in herb gardening. Adam has been an enthusiastic gardener for many years. He is involved in many aspects of gardening, but has a particularly strong interest in herb gardening.

Please visit Adam's website at http://www.herb-gardening-help.com/ to learn more about the secrets of home herb gardening. You'll also find lists of herbs and diagrams to help you with your herb garden plans and details about his new book on herb gardening which has just been published by Oxford Digital Press.

(c) Copyright - Adam Gilpin. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

The Origins of the Oregano Herb

Oregano herb was unheard of in the United States, and in most parts of the world, until after World War II, when returning soldiers came back with an appetite for the "pizza herb". Oregano at that time, and even up to this day, was a staple pizza ingredient in Italy. However, the herb did not originate in Italy.

It was the Greeks who first cultivated and used oregano for culinary and medicinal applications. They even regard it as "panakes" or a cure-all herb because of its wonderful antiseptic and healing properties. They also use oregano leaves when making wreaths to hail and honor their gods and goddesses, and to celebrate joyous occasions such weddings, childbirth and victories. Oregano is also offered to the graves to bring peace to the souls of their departed loved ones.


According to Greek mythology, it was Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, who created the herb to give happiness to mankind. It then became a symbol of joy for the Greeks. The word oregano came from two Greek words (oros meaning mountain and ganos meaning joy) which when combined literally means "joy of the mountain". It was also associated with Artemis, the goddess of childbirth. Hence, women in labor would often be seen wearing wreaths made of oregano for protection and safe delivery.

The Origins of the Oregano Herb

True to its name, oregano is often seen in ancient Greece as the bright and seemingly happy herb plants growing alongside hills and mountains. But it served another purpose there, because the Greeks believed that livestock such as horses, goats and sheep feeding on oregano leaves yield tastier and more tender meats. Another reason to be happy, it seems.

The popularity of the oregano herb spread throughout the Mediterranean region such as Turkey, Sicily and Spain. When the Romans conquered the Greeks, they found oregano in most Grecian homes. They instantly fell over the new flavor that this herb offers and incorporated it in their cooking. They used it to flavor meats and fishes. Italian dishes involves a lot of sauces, and since oregano goes so well with tomato, cheese and egg-based dishes, it wasn't surprising that the herb will became an essential part of the Italian culinary.

They also discovered its medicinal value and used it as a cure for toothaches, indigestion and diarrhea, cough and colds, fever and rheumatism. With the expanding Roman Empire, oregano's fame and its many uses and applications, easily spread throughout Europe and most part of Northern Africa. It is also believed to have reached China during the Medieval ages, where it also became a favored herb for cooking and a potent ingredient in many oriental drugs and medicines.

Today, oregano herb has sprouted different plant varieties, each offering its own distinct flavors and aroma. To name a few, we have the Cretan, Golden, Italian, Sycilian, Syrian, Sweet Marjoram, Hot and Spicy, Mexican and so on. Each nation seems to have its own type of oregano. It only goes to prove how beneficial and useful are the properties of these wonderful herb.

The Origins of the Oregano Herb

Nova Person is an herb enthusiast, growing not just oregano but a host of other beneficial herbs in her garden.

If you'd like to know more about oregano herb and how you can successfully grow and harvest one in your home, go visit her site: http://www.GrowHerbsInfo.com

How to Make Damiana Herb Tea

Damiana herb tea has been used for hundreds of years to treat a variety of medical conditions, most commonly constipation and low libido. The herb itself is quite gentle and lends itself well to the tea medium. Dried leaves to make tea can be obtained from natural health stores or purchased online. The following recipe yields about 1 cup of damiana herb tea.

Many benefits are provided by taking the herb. Traditionally, it was used as an aphrodisiac, though modern science supports this as well. Recent tests show that taking damiana herb tea on a regular basis increases sperm count, increases the strength of the eggs, and improve blood flow and stimulation. The herb is also a mood balancing agent, that boosts the overall feel and brings a general feeling of well-being.


It has also been shown to regulate hormonal imbalances in women during menopause. Damiana also boosts energy and reduces the detrimental effects of exhaustion. Additional uses include being a laxative, astringent, diuretic, antiseptic and cough suppressant. If you can't find a reason to take this herb, you aren't looking hard enough.

How to Make Damiana Herb Tea

Making the Tea:
The process of making the tea is simple, and is similar to making tea from traditional tea leaves. However, using dried leaves makes it more difficult than simply soaking tea bags in water. Begin by adding two large teaspoons of dried damiana leaves to a clean coffee mug. In a small saucepan, heat one cup of water to a boil, and then pour it into the mug over the damiana leaves.

Allow the tea to steep in the mug for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, the flavor and essence of the tea leaves is being extracted into the water. After this time has passed, strain the tea into another clean coffee mug and discard the excess tea leaves. Drink the warm tea immediately for optimal health benefits.

You can improve the flavor of the damiana herb tea by adding a number of different ingredients. Adding a teaspoon of pure honey, for instance, will sweeten the flavor substantially. However, granulated or refined sugar should never be used as this can be detrimental to the healing components of the tea. Otherwise, a small amount of lemon juice can be added if desired.

Side Effects:
Though damiana can be taken in large quantities with no real detrimental effects, the long term effects are yet to be tested. Damiana herb tea should not be consumed by pregnant women or by children under the age of 13. Additionally, people suffering from diabetes should not take this herb. Always consult a doctor or herbalist prior to consuming any type of herb on a regular basis.

How to Make Damiana Herb Tea

Caryn Windfield is a certified aromatherapist and expert in the field of alternative medicine, specializing in simple herbs and essential oils. Find out more about damiana herb tea by visiting her home remedies website.

Herbal Antifungal Remedies

Antifungal medications and treatments are utilized for eradicating fungi and yeast that cause infections in many areas of the body.

These treatments are used to treat common conditions like athlete's foot, ringworm, dandruff, and vaginitis, as well as serious ailments that have spread throughout the body. Antifungal medications are often used in people with poorly functioning immune systems, as seen mostly in individuals with AIDS, and in those who are taking drugs that suppress immune function.


Different Types Of Fungal Infections

Herbal Antifungal Remedies

Here are some common types of fungal infections that affect, and irritate many individuals.

- Athlete's foot is type of fungal infection that generally appears between the toes, but can also affect the toenails and the bottom or sides of the feet.

- Tinea. This is a fungal infection of the hair, skin, or nails. When it's on the skin, tinea usually begins as a small red area the size of a pea. As it grows, it spreads out in a circle or ring. This infection is commonly called ringworm, because it may look like tiny worms are under the skin.

- Jock itch is a fungal infection of the groin and upper thighs, and occurs in both men and women.

- Candida. This yeast infection is similar to a fungus. It generally affects the skin around the nails or the soft, moist areas around body openings. Diaper rash in babies can be from one type of candidal infection. Older girls and women may develop another form of candidal infection in and around the vagina, and these are called yeast infections.

Herbal Antifungal Treatments

- Garlic. This herb is considered to be a very potent antimicrobial agent. It was used by Albert Schweitzer to treat amebic dysentery, and also by Louis Pasteur as an antibacterial agent. Garlic is one of the richest sources of the element germanium, which is a potent inducer of interferon and effective against certain cancers by modulating the immune response.

- Tea tree oil is an extract of a tree native that is common in Australia. It is a remedy for many mucosal fungal infections. The oil is used internally for thrush and esophagus and externally for fungal skin and nail bed infections. Tea tree oil and Grapefruit seed extract may be used for the external treatment of candida-related skin conditions by putting 2-3 drops of each in a lotion or salve and spreading it over the affected area.

- Oregano. The extract from this herb is considered more potent and less harmful than nystatin to eradicate fungi. It is also considered to be more powerful and less-toxic in eradicating staph infections.

- Echinacea is an immune-stimulating and antiseptic herb. Scientific research indicates the herb's antibiotic, cortisone-like activity, and aids in the promotion of wound healing, production of systemic interferon and stimulation of T-cell lymphocytes.

- Pau D'arco. This herb is derived from an extract of the bark of a South American tree, and is famous for its potent antifungal properties.

- Golden Seal. This herb is considered effective in treating most digestive problems ranging from peptic ulcers to colitis due to its tonic effects on the mucous membranes. It is a powerful antimicrobial improving all mucous conditions, especially those of the sinuses.

http://primeherbal.com - Prime Herbal

Herbal Antifungal Remedies

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Herbal Supplements That Can Keep You Awake

For many that are looking for a natural remedy to help us sleep may not be aware that many herbal supplements can actually be keeping you awake. Many common herbs are also powerful stimulants.

Here is a list of herbs that may be keeping you awake.


Ginger: Used to treat indigestion, nausea and motion sickness
Ginkgo Biloba: This herb is used for circulatory disorders, memory enhancement, and muscular degeneration.
Ginseng: Used for bodily functions, strengthening the immune system, tension headaches and can also raise blood pressure and cause frequent urination.
Kola nuts: Caffeine is the primary ingredient of kola nuts and its mainly used to fight drowsiness, fatigue and to boost energy and mental alertness; sometimes confused with gotu kola, a non-stimulant herb.
Yerba mate: This herb is used to stimulate weight loss, energy and mental alertness, and to help strengthen the immune system, accelerate healing and to increase longevity.

Herbal Supplements That Can Keep You Awake

If you are taking any of these stimulants as a supplement, then they may be preventing you from falling asleep. Try stop taking them, and see if they make a difference, and remember that your body needs some time to metabolize medications, even the natural herbal supplements, so definitely wait a few days to allow the stimulants to work their way out of your system.

If after you've stopped taking the herbal supplements and you are still restless and finding it difficult to sleep, then there may be something else causing your sleep problem and it may be time to seek professional help.

Herbal Supplements That Can Keep You Awake

If you are looking for a living air purifier, or would like to know a little bit more about living air purifiers, then check out this website at [http://www.livingairpurifiersite.com] which offers information and suppliers regarding a living air purifier [http://www.livingairpurifiersite.com].

Why Are Herbal Remedies Not FDA Approved?

The different herbal remedies that we can all find on the shelves of different drug stores and pharmaceutical companies are not considered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as drugs, but rather treats it as dietary supplements. This means that the different herbal remedies that we buy in order to stay healthy or treat illnesses are not regulated by the FDA as it would with prescription medications, which means that the quality and effectiveness of these herbal remedies can vary from one brand to the next.

The FDA claims that they can only regulate things which fall under the two categories, namely foods and drugs. According to the Food and Drug Act passed in 1906 and 1938, all food additives and drugs should be approved by the FDA before they can be sold in the market. They all need to submit evidences about their health claims or how they can cure an ailment or condition, before they can be legally sold to the public.


Herbal remedies, which are classified under dietary supplements, are composed of processed or unprocessed elements such as plant barks, extracts and essential oils. Since they are considered as dietary supplements, they are not regulated by the FDA like drugs or prescription medications.

Why Are Herbal Remedies Not FDA Approved?

They are more likely classified and regulated as food, which helps make it easier for herbal remedies to be sold in the market since there are fewer restrictions in terms of their approval. Unfortunately, since these herbal remedies make health and disease claims, there have been discrepancies as to where they are going to be classified, and how they are going to be regulated.

According to recent debates, FDA do not approve herbal remedies due to the fact that it cannot clearly define the line that separates structure and function claims over disease and health claims. If the line was clearly defined, then herbal remedies would have been easier to regulate. Herbal remedies, which fall under dietary supplements, are not clearly defined and separated from foods. This makes it difficult for the FDA to implement its regulations since it cannot clearly categorize the herbal remedies as to whether it falls under foods or drugs.

One incident that further helped blur the lines in categorizing herbal remedies as foods is when different food companies started making health claims themselves. If this was the case, then these foods should be regulated as drugs. Due to this turn of events, the FDA is now finding it very difficult to further scrutinize the difference on how foods and the dietary supplements should be categorized and regulated.

Ultimately, being able to create a standard for both food and drugs regarding disease and health claims is a step forward, but it is also important to remember that the way consumers think about the different claims that are presented by certain food and drug products, such as dietary supplements, should also be considered. Since dietary supplements are still considered to be in a class of its own, it will continue to be sold legally without restrictions not until it has been categorized by the FDA properly, whereby it can be regulated appropriately.

Vanessa A. Doctor

PrimeHerbal Herbal Remedy

Why Are Herbal Remedies Not FDA Approved?

Vanessa A. Doctor from http://www.hoodiastore.org

Herbal Medicines - Types and Uses

Herbal medicines help a lot of people with different illnesses. Although some do not have therapeutic claims, most herbal remedies are safe and effective to use. However, one must consult their physicians first before deciding to take any of the herbal products.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most popular and widely used herbal products. Read the sections below and know more about the herbal remedies for various illnesses.


Bitter Gourd

Herbal Medicines - Types and Uses

Bitter Gourd, also know as Ampalaya in Philippine language, is a vegetable plant that has been used and is accepted for so many years. The bitter taste of this vegetable is often disdained by many of its consumers. However, the plant is widely known for its efficacy in lowering blood sugar levels. Over the years, it has been seen as an effective alternative treatment for Diabetes of both types.

St John's Wort

St John's Wort is often used for depression problems. It triggers some chemical changes in the body which often lead to the cure of depression problems. Like the Bitter Gourd, St John's Wort is accepted by many health agencies and is used by a lot of people. However, limitation to the use of this herbal remedy is needed. Consult with your doctors is necessary to bring about therapeutic effects.


Garlic is also one of the most helpful herbal remedies ever discovered. It is believed to cause changes in the blood pressure. Garlic is also known to lower blood cholesterol levels. It is a very potent and effective herbal remedy for several cardiovascular diseases.


Ginger is one of the greatest Chinese herbal medicines discovered. It is not only an herbal product but a spice used in many cooking recipes as well. Ginger is believed to have healing properties on the throat and is good as a cough and cold remedy.

Kava Kava

Kava Kava is also a popular treatment for mental disorders. Specifically, it treats anxiety problems. Like St John's Wort, it has to be taken with caution because of the detrimental changes it could bring. Physician consult is necessary before taking the herbal remedy.

Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba is mostly used for Alzheimer's disease. Today, it is widely accepted by many health agencies because of its therapeutic effects. It causes a positive change in the judgment, social function and awareness of an Alzheimer's patient.


Echinacea is also one of the most potent herbal remedies. It is used to treat flu and its accompanying signs and symptoms. Like the other herbal products mentioned above, Echinacea is accepted by health agencies all over the globe.

http://primeherbal.com -- Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicines - Types and Uses

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

An Honest Review of Herbal Magic Diet Plan

Herbal Magic is a Canada based weight loss centre specialized in weight management and herbal supplements. According to Herbal Magic, their clients lost in average 2 to 7 pounds a week. Their program is also said to be able to improve various health issues, including stress, cold flu, arthritis, and digestion. If you are interested in Herbal Magic, you may arrange free and private consultation with the company to determine the appropriate program and herbal supplements based on your health profile.

The Herbal magic diet meal consists of the following: 2 proteins, 2 starches, 2 fruits, 2 fats, 1 dairy and 3 vegetables. Beside, you have to take their herbal supplements 30 to 60 minutes before each meal. According to Herbal Magic official website, there's no set cost for their weight loss program. You will find out the cost after the consultation. According to reliable source, the joining fee is 00. After that, you pay approximately 0 every month for the herbal supplements and 1 to 1 consultation. In fact, depending on your health profile, you may need to buy more herbal supplements which cost far more than 0.


If you are interested in Herbal Magic, my recommendation is save your money. The reason is rather simple: it is too expensive! The price is simply outrageous. If you want to follow the plan religiously for a period of time, the cost can add up pretty quickly. You should spend the money to get advice from your family doctor instead of the consultants from Herbal Magic. In fact, we are not even sure if these consultants have the proper qualification! Even if they do, you have to be careful as they may earn commission from products that you purchase via them. At such, they may not have your best interest in mind.

An Honest Review of Herbal Magic Diet Plan

Sure many people swear that Herbal Magic helped them to lose weight, but I suspect that it is direct results of low calories intake. In addition, if you examine the meal plan, you will notice that it lacks flexibility. It's not feasible in the long run. What's worse, if you stop the plan, you may stop losing weight or gain back the weight. Besides, I would also like to question the long term safety, potency, side effects and effectiveness of herbal supplements from Herbal Magic. I really wonder: why are their herbal products more expensive than market price?

Sorry to disappoint you, but there's simply no "magic" when come to weight loss. However, don't be discouraged, there are good plans out there to help you shed away the fat.

An Honest Review of Herbal Magic Diet Plan

Discover how I lost 10 pounds in 1 week, and never gain it back! Click here [http://www.weightloss-ez.com/weight-loss-success-stories/how-i-lost-10-pounds-in-one-week-and-how-you-can-do-the-same/] for more information. C.Y.Lai is guest writer for Herbal Magic Review [http://www.weightloss-ez.com/weight-loss-review/herbal-magic-review-scam-or-not/].

Herb Remedies

Herb remedies are made of natural substances that come from plants. Herbs have been valued throughout history. The Bible tells us Kings journeyed many miles to bring frankincense and myrrh as gifts for Jesus.

Indeed the Bible makes references to herbal medicine. In Ezekiel, Jesus says "the fruit of the tree is for man's meat, and the leaves for man's medicine."


Many plants have been found by science to have effects upon the body. One example is the bark of the willow tree. Years ago this bark would be steeped in hot water, the same way you would make tea. This hot drink somehow brought pain relief and helped to lower fevers. As time went by, scientists found that the bark of this plant contained something called salicin. This natural substance was eventually made into acetesalicylic acid, which is now known by the more common name of "aspirin." This tree bark based home remedy is now the world's top selling pain relief product.

Herb Remedies

Not all herb remedies come from tree bark of course. Ginseng and Kava supplements are made from the roots of those plants. In Ginkgo Biloba products, the tree's leaves are used. Other herb remedies are made from flowers, seeds, mushrooms, leaves, cacti, bark, etc.

Coffee is made from ground coffee "beans" which are the seeds of a tree. Coffee contains caffeine, which stimulates the body. Tea comes from the dried leaves of various plants. Tea also contains caffeine. These may be helpful when trying to stay awake and alert, and not helpful at all when trying to get a good night's sleep.

Throughout history, herbs and plants have been believed to have medicinal properties. Today medical researchers are proving that many herbs and plants do support good health. Some herbs have even been turned into medicines.

Foxglove is one example. In the past it was believed to help chest pains. Researchers eventually found that ingredient digitalis from foxglove. Digitalis is now a medicine that is widely used by doctors for heart related treatments.

Scientists turned a mold into the medicine named Penicillin. The bark of the Peruvian cinchona tree was believed to help the body fight off malaria and medical researchers eventually used it to make quinine sulfate.

However not all herbs and plants are good for you simply because they are "natural." The tobacco leaf, for example, is a natural herb. Cigarettes were at one time advertised on television as being good for helping soothe a cough. The truth was just the opposite and we now know that tobacco can cause

On the other hand, some plants have falsely been labeled as being bad for you when they are actually good for you. Early settlers in America thought that if you ate tomatoes you would die from poisoning.

Scientific medical studies are the only way to prove how herbs work or do not work. Unscientific claims for or against a simple plant are absurd.

History provides some clues as to which herb remedies may help support good health. Ginkgo biloba for example may be the oldest herb known in human history. Fossils of ginkgo biloba trees have been found dating back to the Paleozoic era millions of years ago. In China, these tree leaves have been used as one of their most popular herb remedies for over five thousand years.

The Egyptians left us the Papyrus Ebers which are hieroglyphic writings about hundreds of herb remedies such as aloe vera. A Chinese herbal guide known as the Ben Cao is thought to have be recorded by Emporer Shen Nong around 2000 B.C. In India the study of Ayurveda (the science of life) also dates back to around 2000 B.C. The Greek doctor Dioscorides made a record called De Materia medica which tells the health effects of over 500 plants. Italy was where ingredients were first formulated
in standardized dosages.

The Amazon rain forest is home to many unknown plants and herbs. Today scientists hope it could be home to many new herbal supplements that could lead to new medicines.

Every year science learns more about how herbs and plants are good for your health. It is becoming more and more as the Bible quote says, "the fruit of the tree is for man's meat, and the leaves for man's medicine."

Note: The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. Always talk to your Doctor before taking herbal products.

Herb Remedies

Chris Hana writes helpful articles for consumers about a variety of health topics including healing herbs and nutritional supplements, weightloss products, bodybuilding supplements, amino acids, minerals and vitamin advice.

Herbal Tea For Acid Reflux

Herbal tea for acid reflux is an option that you can consider in place of antacids. As always, relying on drug medications for acid reflux relief is not wise due to the possibility of adverse side effects. Holistic experts recommend that you can try consuming a herbal tea for acid reflux relief.

In several cultures, tea has been used for ages to soothe and ease a variety of health problems. Tea lovers come from Japan, England and China, just to name a few. There are many varieties of tea; black, green and red tea. These teas contain polyphenols, which serve as antioxidants to protect the body from free radical damage and can help prevent several types of cancer.


Green tea is an excellent choice as a natural acid reflux relief. However, you should note that not just any green tea will do. Caffeine is a known trigger for acid reflux and hence, you should only be taking decaffeinated green tea for acid reflux relief. After a meal comprising of foods that are oily, drinking some green tea will help your body digest food more effectively. Also, green tea is great for reducing the painful symptoms of an upset stomach. Consuming green tea can help reduce the risk of gastric and esophageal cancers.

Herbal Tea For Acid Reflux

To make a great herbal tea for acid reflux relief on your own, you can also try the chicory root. Simply boil some chicory roots in water, let it cool and then add honey. Marshmallow tea can also be made from root of the herb. Other options include chamomile or fennel. Acid reflux sufferers have reported relief with consuming these herbal teas. Do, however, make sure that you drink the herbal teas not when it is boiling hot but simply warm.

There are various sources whereby you can purchase herbal tea for acid reflux. You can buy them at your local herbal store or buy them online. Although more expensive, it may be worthwhile to get good quality organic herbs if your aim is to also help you detoxify and cleanse your body system.

As with all types of herbs, do check with your doctor fist before consumption. Although herbal remedies are natural, they can be potent. Some can interact negatively with the medications that you are taking. So ask your doctor if he can recommend a safe herbal tea for acid reflux for your case.

Herbal Tea For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux treatment can be made with some diet and lifestyle changes. For more information and resource, please visit this site here at http://www.treat-acid-reflux.com

Lichen Planus - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Lichen Planus is an inflammatory skin condition in which flat lesions appear on the skin or mucous membrane, causing pain, redness and itching. It is neither infectious nor contagious, but it may persist for months or years, and may recur. The exact cause is unknown, but it may sometimes be triggered by an allergic or immune reaction to a medication or other substance.

In Ayurveda, there is no clear-cut synonym for lichen planus. However, all skin diseases have been clubbed together as "Kushtha", and the general principles of treatment for kushtha can be applied to the treatment of lichen planus, with very good results. Treatment is aimed at reducing itching and inflammation, and gradually helping the causative immune reaction to subside. Patients having severe symptoms, or recurrence, may require several courses of treatment.


Some of the medicines usually used for the treatment of lichen planus are: Arogya Vardhini, Gandhak Rasayan, Nimba-Gandhak, Swayambhu Guggulu, Sukshma Triphala, Saarivadyasava, Mahamanjishthadi Qadha,and Khadirarishta. Single herbal medicines used for this disease are: Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Chirayta (Swertia chirata),Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Khadeer (Acacia catechu) and Vacha (Acorus calamus). These medicines have the unique property of acting on the skin and blood tissue, and also bring about the desired immunomodulation.

Lichen Planus - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Medicines used for local application are: Shatadhout ghruta, honey, Neem-Karanj oil, Shodhan oil, Ropan oil, Chandan oil, Marichyadi oil and Bakuchi oil. Selection of the appropriate medicine is made according to the predominance of symptoms and the location of the lesions.

Some physicians advocate cleansing of the body for the purpose of detoxification. This is advisable if the lesions are widespread or do not respond to standard oral medicines. Induced emesis, induced purgation, and periodical blood-letting are some of the procedures adopted for this purpose.

Lichen Planus - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi is Chief Ayurvedic Physician at Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic based at Thane, Maharashtra, India. He is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at http://www.ayurvedaphysician.com

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, B.A.M.S., has clinical experience of 22 years and clinical research experience of 9 years. He has published his findings of herbal treatment of HIV / AIDS in 55 patients in the Bombay Hospital Journal, Mumbai, India, July 2005 issue.

He has also successfully completed a clinical trial of herbal extract medicines in Schizophrenia compared to modern anti-psychotics, in 200 patients. He has also conducted preliminary studies of Ayurvedic herbal extracts in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Mental Retardation, Tobacco and Alcohol Addiction, Age Related Macular Degeneration and different types of Cancer.

Juniper Berries - The Powerful Kidney Herb

For each organ of the human body there is a herb that outshines all others in its ability to assist that organ when it is diseased. Juniper berries are magic when it comes to the kidney and urinary tract system. I say magic because I have seen it at work and its power to heal the urinary tract system is so powerful and fast that it seems magical. I have seen the power of this herb help many people but the most impressive case I ever saw was a woman (a registered nurse) who had been suffering from urinary tract infections for more then 3 years. She was on antibiotics and had suffered 2 renal failures when I met her. Along with some naturopathic advice on life style I left her with some whole juniper berries. I suggested she take about a half dozen berries 3 times a day and consider that she stop taking the antibiotics.

I got a call 2 days later. She was beside herself because the infection was gone. She could hardly believe that after all those years of suffering that taking a few berries three times a day could stop this infection so quickly. This experience changed that woman's life. The last I heard from her she was studying naturopathic medicine.


But you can see what I am getting at; this berry is a wonderful herb that has the ability to help those who are suffering needlessly with what appears to be an incurable problem. This berry is just a food that has antibiotic and antiviral properties with no side effects.

Juniper Berries - The Powerful Kidney Herb

I do not want to leave you with the impression that I believe in treating a symptom with an herb. Treating symptoms is modern medicine's way of treating disease. As I said above I gave the nurse advice on changing her lifestyle as well as taking juniper berries. If you only treat the symptom you leave the root of the disease to appear somewhere else with more power. So look at your life style that is the root of your urinary problem.

Some Juniper Berry Tips:

If you are taking medication, always check the contraindications of that drug (those things you do not want to take with the medication, such as lithium).

A whole juniper berry that you buy from the health food store (I do not recommend the tea) should be a little bit like a raisin. It should be soft and taste sweet and piney.

Juniper Berries - The Powerful Kidney Herb

Read More About Juniper Berries The Powerful Kidney Herb

Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer eighteen years ago. For more interesting information on improving your health visit The Natural Path or Paul's Health Blog.

How to Use Fertility Herb Maca to Boost Your Fertility

Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a vegetable shaped like a turnip, and is somewhat like a root. This plant is unique in that it is only grown in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador and Peru above 12,000 feet.

Maca root has been used by the indigenous peoples of Peru as a medicine and food source for over 2000 years. They also use it to support and turns infertility, enhance energy, sexual really and vitality.


How was maca discovered?

How to Use Fertility Herb Maca to Boost Your Fertility

History tells us that the Spaniards overtook the Andes Mountains and took control. They began to suffer a loss of sex drive soon after they arrived. Both women and men alike suffered from sterility and their libido, too, suffered at that altitude. Therefore, they could often not conceive and if they did, they could often not carry their pregnancies to term.

In addition, their animals, too, began to suffer reproductive difficulties. Horses, mules and dogs stopped having offspring. Even so, Spaniards soon realized that llamas, as well as other local animals, did not have any problems with their libido levels and reproduced successfully.

How did they differ? The native people ate a root that could only be found high on the mountains. Animals, too, dug this root up and ate it. Once cooked, it will be mashed into a powder, then consumed continuously.

The Spaniards began to take note of this and began to feed this root, maca, to their animals, and they began to consume it themselves, too. They learnt that native Peruvians are the experts in it.

The Spaniards' sex drive came back dramatically; animals, too, began to engage in reproductive activities once again, and the women could both conceive and carry their infants to term. In short, they lived happily ever after, as the story goes.

How does this seemingly magical root operate?

This food is beneficial to the endocrine and granular systems, which include glands involved in hormonal balance (e.g. thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary). Maca can impact key hormones in both the men and women to their advantage, but it doesn't contain hormones itself.

Maca helps nourish and stimulate the pituitary gland. It behaves like a tonic for hormonal regulation. When the pituitary gland is functioning optimally, the entire endocrine system, too, regains its balance, because pituitary gland is in control of the hormonal output of the other three glands involved.

In the female body, estrogen is affected by maca. If a woman's estrogen levels are too high or too low, this can affect a woman's ability to become pregnant or to carry a fetus to term. If the body's estrogen levels are too high, the levels of progesterone may become too low. If a woman takes maca, it can increase her progesterone levels, which in turn helps a woman maintain a pregnancy to a safe term.

If men have too much estrogen in their bodies, they can suffer from erectile dysfunction and a diminished or absent libido. It can also lower sperm count as well as the quantity of seminal fluid in general. If you take maca and you are a man, your libido will increase as well as your sperm count.

Maca may help:

  • Reestablish hormonal balance in women.
  • Increase sex drive in both women and men.
  • Defend eggs' fitness.
  • Raise sperm count, increase overall seminal volume, and increase the motility of sperm.

Who Should Use Maca?

Maca is especially beneficial to you if you are trying to become pregnant or if you are getting ready to become pregnant relatively soon. Since it is a type of food, you are able to take it whenever you want. However, if you are a woman who is experiencing any of the following, it may be especially beneficial to you:

· Substandard egg health
· Stress-induced infertility
· Hormonal payments for ultimate in vitro fertilization
· Miscarriage
· Polycystic ovarian syndrome
· Endometriosis

Maca also helps you incur a sense of well being and have a sharper mind because hormonal balance can improve these things.

How to Use maca

Maca comes in tincture, pills, capsules or powder. The powder is great to include in smoothies, while the capsules are convenient to make sure you get maca in your diet every day.

If you wish to purchase maca, make sure it's organically grown. Today, some of the areas in the Andes are contaminated by water from the mines, so if the maca you buy is nonorganic, you may be putting yourself in danger of lead or mercury contamination. Your maca root should also not be diluted with additives or fillers.

It is recommended that the daily dose of maca root be between 2000 and 3000 mg per day. You also need to make sure you take it every day, for optimal results.

Remember that there will be no side effects when you take maca, because it's a food. If you take it in capsule format, three to six capsules a day will provide you an optimal dose. If you use the powder form, start with half a teaspoon of powder and work up to one tablespoon.

How to Use Fertility Herb Maca to Boost Your Fertility

To watch "Fertility Smoothie with Maca" video please visit: http://www.natural-fertility-info.com/maca

Hethir is a Holistic Health Practitioner who specializes in natural fertility and helps women boost there fertility naturally through her website http://www.natural-fertility-info.com

Shallaki Herb Benefits and Uses

Boswellia serrata in the biological name of the very renowned ayurvedic herb known as shallaki. Shallaki is more commonly known as salai guggulu in Indian native language as it possesses similar properties as of guggulu (commiphora mukul).

It has a medium height tree with a girth of about 3 - 5 ft. it possess trunk, which is reddish green in appearance with a pleasant aroma. Possess small leaves similar to that of a neem tree. Small white colored flowers that blossom in winder season i.e. in January to march. Fruit is triangular in appearance and is about one and a half inch in diameter. Which fruits in February to march. There is resin that comes out of the tree hence it is used for medication purposes. Plant is found in middle and western part of India


The herb is ushan virya in potency so it acts on all the vata disorders. More over it possess kashaya, tickt and madhur rasa that makes it kapha suppressant. Therefore shallaki possess the qualities, which suppress the disorders created by vata and kapha dosha. It contains triterpenoids called boswellic acid

Shallaki Herb Benefits and Uses

Indication of shallaki

· Due to presence of ushan virya potency it is supposed to suppress vata thereby helps in relieving pain, as vata is cause behind every pain.

· It works as anti inflammatory substance which is helpful in curbing any kind of swelling and pain due to presence of boswellic acid.

· Shallaki is indicated in arthritic problems like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and joint pains, skeletal muscle pain.

· It is also indicated in lymphadenopathy and back pain.

· Boswellic acid also aid this plant in reducing any tumors.

· This herb also possess anti cancerous properties.

· It works in eliminating nay foul odor .

· It also acts in eliminating any pest in the surroundings.

· It is very commonly used as wound healer herb and used on any kind of injury to make it heal faster in efficiently.

· A well known herb for increasing vision of eyes.

· It is very commonly used in increasing the intelligence levels and increasing mental concentration therefore helps in toning up of brain.

· It is very helpful in indigestion, constipation, tastelessness, intestinal disturbance and stomach disorders.

· It helps in dissolving away with the toxin name ama formed in our body.

· It is very helpful in diarrhea and dysentery condition.

· It helps in proper functioning of liver and its secretions i.e. bile juices.

· It is considered one of the best mouth freshener and increases the functioning of taste buds to normalcy.

· This herb has proved its worth in heart related ailments.

· A wonderful herb which work as an expectorant and helps in eradicating extra mucus in the respiratory tract.

· Shallaki also helps in fighting against the urinary tract infections. Also works as diuretic.

· It also acts as aphrodisiac agent thereby helping in increasing the sperm count and quality.

A single herb and so many uses makes shallaki one of the best herb which ayurvedic doctors had discovered centuries back to make people relieved from the suffering the they are suffering.

Know more about Boswellia Serrata, Shallaki Benefits, Supplements, Extract for Joint Pain, Arthritis, Anti-Inflammatory by visiting http://www.morphemeremedies.com

Shallaki Herb Benefits and Uses

Dr John Anne
Read more on Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Sinus Pressure and Drainage - An Herb That Can Help You

For millennia herbs have been used by many civilizations as the gold standard for healing. In the Americas, aside from the native citizens and a few others, herbs have not yet been widely accepted. Once considered by many as just part of native folklore this perception, however, is rapidly changing. For instance, take Germany and their Commission E report. A number of years ago this first rate nation's government, recognizing the medicinal and healing potential some herbs could offer, set up Commission E, as it is commonly known, to study herbs in that context. This study group used the "scientific approach" in discharging its responsibilities. Several years later The Commission E Monographs came into being, but of course, they were in German. Not long afterward, however, they were translated into English and I had the opportunity and joy of acquiring a copy shortly thereafter. The entity behind this English version is the American Botanical Council, of Austin, Texas.

I am going to be dealing in this article with just one herb which I have used for a number of years to treat some of my own sinus problems, and still do so today at the first sign that one of them would like to show again its ugly face. First a caveat: Please, remember this when using herbs:


  • Herbs lose their medicinal effect in about 2 weeks after you begin to use them. Stop for a couple of weeks and then you can restart
  • Do not buy herbs with a dated shelf life expiring in less than a year
  • Buy "standardized" herbs, whenever possible. The label should say so The one herb that perhaps is one of the most significant is going to, very likely,surprise you. This is what my regular doctor, an MD, told me once: "It is the most important of all herbs." And with this short preface, please, allow me to introduce you to: Garlic.
That's right. I didn't make a mistake. It's garlic, but not presented to you as a savory, very pungent, tongue biting cooking herb, but as a medicinal herb. I have studied and used it for years and the more I do the more amazed I am at its healing properties. Let me give you a quick starter--which falls a bit beyond the scope of this article:

Sinus Pressure and Drainage - An Herb That Can Help You

  • It has a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Kills cold and flu germs
  • Helps prevent heart attacks
  • Fights: anemia, diabetes, hypoglycemia, acne, constipation, cancer
  • Gives strong support to the immune system
  • It's nature's "antibiotic" of sorts  
It is the last two properties of garlic that would be of interest to you--baring, of course, that you may have other ailments that may be included in the above list, in which case the lowly and pungent bulb could even be of more interest to you. Whether you have a tendency to sinusitis, or sinus pressure, congestion, drainage, sinus headaches, sinus infection, especially the latter, it can help you prevent a serious infection or stop one that has just started. Garlic, to be effective as a sinus infection fighter or preventer, must be used at the very outset of the suspected infection. If one waits to see what is going to happen before using it, then it could be too late. Since there are no side effects involved--save the peculiar odor--it's best to go for it since the cost, etc., more than outweighs the potential benefits. By the way, the odor factor can be neutralized by chewing and eating some parsley sprigs.

The active ingredient in garlic is allicin. It is not produced unless the cloves are crushed or minced. Now a days it is possible to buy allicin by itself from almost any purveyor of herbs or at a health foods store. I buy mine through the internet, it's substantially cheaper that way.

Do your own research about this lowly, but powerful healing bulb and you, too, may become amazed and a regular user.

Sinus Pressure and Drainage - An Herb That Can Help You

Paul Sanchez is a retired ordained minister who, since early childhood, had suffered from sinus problems: pressure, congestion, sinusitis, post nasal drip, etc. Inasmuch as physicians were not able to cure him, but just relieve symptoms, he began to study his sinus situation and to experiment with natural remedies and other therapeutic systems. Today he is free from all sinus discomforts and when they want to reappear he knows exactly how to deal with them successfully. His website: http://www.mysinustory.com explains how he got rid of his sinus pressure and other related problems. While http://www.mysinustory.com/drainage.html focuses on excessive drainage, also known as post nasal drip or PND. He provides help and support to those interested.

Herb Garden Plants - Bulbinella - Better Than Aloe Vera?




Several varieties of Bulbinella Frutescens exist, some with long, thin racing green leaves, and some having a more yellowish leaf. The most common one is the yellow-flowered plant which looks a bit like a garlic chive but has round succulent leaves and grows to about 150mm (6ins)This is the bulbinella most commonly used as herb garden plants in many gardens as well as in rockeries.

Herb Garden Plants - Bulbinella - Better Than Aloe Vera?


Bulbinella has long been considered the pharmocopeia plant of the herbal world; the fleshy leaves yield a jelly like sap that has multiple virtues and applications - as you will see under the 'usage' section. Bushmen and iron age dwellers of Southern Africa knew and understood its virtues. It has long been a part of the traditional healers arsenal.


1. Medicinal Usage - Express some sap from a leaf to get immediate relief from:

  • Eczema
  • Fever blisters
  • Blisters
  • Pimples
  • Burns
  • Rashes
  • Itchy spots
  • Cracked skin
  • Cracked lips
  • Cold sores
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Sores and rashes on domestic and farm animals
  • Painful insect stings

2. Aesthetic Usage

Although referred to as herb garden plants, bulbinella is also regarded as a valuable landscaping plant for its reliable growth pattern and bright all year round colour. Drought and pollution resistant, it is almost impervious to frost.

3. Cosmetic Usage

Just like the better known and much vaunted Aloe Vera, extracts of bulbinella sap can be used as a basis for skin creams.


Bulbinella is a gardeners dream; simply split a bunch and replant without missing a beat. Wind resistant, drought tolerant and a prodigious grower - bulbinella is all this and more. Equally responsive to landscapers filling those awkward spots where nothing else can thrive and to apartment window sills, bulbinella responds well to light composting and regular watering and will reward the diligent gardener with hosts of flowers.


Propagation is so easy that I feel guilty about including a sub-heading on the subject. Split a bunch of bulbinella and plant out or break off a leaf and plant. How about that.


Help yourself whenever you want but stop short of denuding the plant.

Herb Garden Plants - Bulbinella - Better Than Aloe Vera?

Pete Steel has grown herbs for 25 years in several different climates and soils. He reviews herb growing books and writes about herb garden plants and herb usage.

How to Winterize Your Home Herb Garden

In order for your herb plants to survive harsh winter conditions you want to be sure to winterize your herb garden. This will enable your plants to come back strong in the spring to continue to provide you with a great bountiful harvest.

Winterizing your home herb garden is not rocket science. Mother Nature has her own magical way of preparing for winter and you will see, as fall approaches, a slowdown in the growth of your plants. Your herb plants will begin to lose their leaves. Don't be alarmed if your perennial herb plants look as if they are dead. They are not dead. They are merely dormant - hibernating, so to speak, to survive the winter.


There are a several reasons you want to pay attention to the condition of your soil as winter approaches. Many herbs like their feet dry anyway because they are from the Mediterranean. Thyme, rosemary and lavender actually prefer dry soil. But you should be aware that wet soil will wick the heat away from your herb plants. Also, water freezes and can crack the roots of your plants.

How to Winterize Your Home Herb Garden

"Old Man Winter" can be quite hard on your plants. Be sure to take a few extra steps to care for them for their winter protection and survival. Herbs are especially prone to root rot over the winter if they are sitting in wet soil.

Definitely do not fertilize or prune your plants at this time. You don't want tender new growth getting nipped by the cold. You can, however, go ahead trim out dead or damaged stems and foliage.

The best protection you can give your herb plants is mulch. If winter temperatures in your area generally fall below -10 degrees Fahrenheit you will want to lay down lightweight organic mulch around your plants. Shredded leaves, pine needles or straw will do the trick. Some people even use sawdust. However, if you want your herb garden to continue to have a more manicured look, you will most likely opt for a commercial mulch mix. Stay away from whole leaves or heavier mulches as these can suffocate your plants.

I know you want to make sure your herbs see it through to another summer, so what you do throughout their growing season is vital. If you haven't paid much attention to "lightening up" your soil throughout the summer months, please make it a priority when fall comes calling. It's the best way to help ensure herbal survival through the winter months.

Your small annual herbs are perfect for digging up and putting them in pots to spend the winter indoors. Find a sunny windowsill or plug in the fluorescent light. This way you can continue to have fresh herbs.

Even though we all know the most fun in herb gardening is planting your seeds, watching them sprout and grow strong to provide you with wonderful herbs for cooking or other purposes, you do want to pay close attention to winterizing your herb garden. Taking the few steps to winterize your herb garden will enable your plants to come back strong next season.

How to Winterize Your Home Herb Garden

Linda Stevens has been herb gardening for over 10 years. Her exclusive book, "From Design to Harvest: Your Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Home Herb Garden" will teach budding herb gardeners absolutely everything they need to know about home herb gardening [http://www.homeherbgardentips.com/hhgt.html].


Different Types of Herb Garden Plants

Most people are not familiar with the different kinds of herbs. Some thought that herb plants are only used for cooking. Some are not aware that they can also be used for medical and for spiritual purposes. With this piece of writing, you will broaden your knowledge about the various types of herbs, their uses and the benefits we can get from them.

Like any other kinds of plants herbs go through the life cycle of plants. They are also categorized as annuals, biennials and perennials. This classification system lets you know how a specific plant goes throughout the cycle. If you are curious and want to find out more about herb plants it is a must that you study or do your research, since each herb is unique from one another.


Do not expect to do the same treatment or care for each herb, since each has different cycles to follow. Like annuals, they cannot live in a cold place. They are also the types of plants that grow from seed to seed. Cilantro and basil are just some common examples of annual herbs. Unlike annuals, perennials can grow and survive in frosty places. They keep on seeding and blooming for a couple of years. Winter savory and sage are considered as perennials herbs. Biennial herbs take two years to complete a life cycle. Favorite biennial herbs are caraway and parsley.

Different Types of Herb Garden Plants

Most common uses of herbs are for culinary, medicinal, religious or spiritual and as pesticides. Culinary herbs are the most popular among all others. Some of the most wanted culinary herbs are thyme, sage, basil, chives and savory. Due to their flavorful taste, you only need a small amount of these herbs to add zest to different kinds of cuisine. For garnishing parsley won the title for the most used decoration for dish styling.

Herbs are also known for their wonderful smell, that is why they are commonly used for aromatic oils, potpourri and perfumes. Some of the aromatic herbs to use in potpourri are lavender and lemon verbena. Through the years, herbs had been known to be beneficial when it comes to healing or medicinal needs. Even in the past, Chinese herbal medicine has been greatly used to cure some sickness and has been proven to be effective. Herbs are also known to be a great help to some gardeners. Because some herbs like spearmint, penny royal and peppermint are well known to keep pests like ants, flees, mice and moth away. They are usually planted surrounding the house. Another kind of herbs is the ornamentals that are distinguished by their vibrant colors.

Although most herbs are useful to our everyday lives, not all of them are safe for human consumption. That is why it is very important to carefully choose the herbs you are about to use, may it be for culinary, medicinal and ornamental. By learning the different uses of each herb, you will be sure to enjoy the many wonderful things this plants can offer, just always be vigilant with those that has toxins in it.

Different Types of Herb Garden Plants

Fodhil is a herb gardening enthusiast and experimental, and love to share idea in herb gardening topics.