Different Types of Herb Garden Plants

Most people are not familiar with the different kinds of herbs. Some thought that herb plants are only used for cooking. Some are not aware that they can also be used for medical and for spiritual purposes. With this piece of writing, you will broaden your knowledge about the various types of herbs, their uses and the benefits we can get from them.

Like any other kinds of plants herbs go through the life cycle of plants. They are also categorized as annuals, biennials and perennials. This classification system lets you know how a specific plant goes throughout the cycle. If you are curious and want to find out more about herb plants it is a must that you study or do your research, since each herb is unique from one another.


Do not expect to do the same treatment or care for each herb, since each has different cycles to follow. Like annuals, they cannot live in a cold place. They are also the types of plants that grow from seed to seed. Cilantro and basil are just some common examples of annual herbs. Unlike annuals, perennials can grow and survive in frosty places. They keep on seeding and blooming for a couple of years. Winter savory and sage are considered as perennials herbs. Biennial herbs take two years to complete a life cycle. Favorite biennial herbs are caraway and parsley.

Different Types of Herb Garden Plants

Most common uses of herbs are for culinary, medicinal, religious or spiritual and as pesticides. Culinary herbs are the most popular among all others. Some of the most wanted culinary herbs are thyme, sage, basil, chives and savory. Due to their flavorful taste, you only need a small amount of these herbs to add zest to different kinds of cuisine. For garnishing parsley won the title for the most used decoration for dish styling.

Herbs are also known for their wonderful smell, that is why they are commonly used for aromatic oils, potpourri and perfumes. Some of the aromatic herbs to use in potpourri are lavender and lemon verbena. Through the years, herbs had been known to be beneficial when it comes to healing or medicinal needs. Even in the past, Chinese herbal medicine has been greatly used to cure some sickness and has been proven to be effective. Herbs are also known to be a great help to some gardeners. Because some herbs like spearmint, penny royal and peppermint are well known to keep pests like ants, flees, mice and moth away. They are usually planted surrounding the house. Another kind of herbs is the ornamentals that are distinguished by their vibrant colors.

Although most herbs are useful to our everyday lives, not all of them are safe for human consumption. That is why it is very important to carefully choose the herbs you are about to use, may it be for culinary, medicinal and ornamental. By learning the different uses of each herb, you will be sure to enjoy the many wonderful things this plants can offer, just always be vigilant with those that has toxins in it.

Different Types of Herb Garden Plants

Fodhil is a herb gardening enthusiast and experimental, and love to share idea in herb gardening topics.